Nael Deus Darnus (Except Divebombs)Arena - FFXIV
There is a dragon (Iceclaw) at the edge of the arena which will shoot players with ice (single target) which will either apply Icebitten or negate Firescorched (if present). It will cast it a total of 24 times.

The goal of this mechanic is to balance fire/ice debuffs. If a player is hit with the fire tether AoE with Firescorched or they are hit by an ice when they already have Icebitten, they will take lethal damage. Initial order is random but will always go sequentially in the same order after that (unless someone dies).

This means that everyone will be hit by 3 ice provided that nobody dies. General rule for fire tether is:
In > Out > In (2nd fire tether person out) > In

3rd set (after 2nd quote) will occur in between 2nd and 3rd cleanse.
For all sets of thunderstruck after first set, just try to not hit anyone else. Respect the party CW priority if applicable.

The first 3 quotes will always be either:
1: In/out or In/stack
2: Stack/in or stack/out
3: Spread/in or spread/out

Post-divebomb (2 total) quotes are random and can be any of the 6 possible quotes above

Divebombs raidplan:

Order of mechs after divebombs:
Dalamud Dive (Tankbuster dive on tank with aggro)
Bahamut's Claw
Random quote #1
Random quote #2
Bahamut's Claw
Megaflare (Enrage)