Fixed Final Fuse Down M3 - AAC
Long Fuse Bombs will always spawn in the NE and SW Corners. With 3 in the NE Or SW Corner.

Fixed positions means G1 West | G2 East

This is a Role based mechanic, One will start with Long fuse, one will start with Short.

Longs will stack up on Long indicator for 1st set and resolve in the 2nd set.

H1/D3: 1st: SW 2nd: NW
H2/D4: 1st: NE 2nd: SE

MT/D1: N/W
ST/D2: E/S

G1 West | G2 East

1 - 8: Configurations
9 - 12: Overview


Reduced sensory overload by blocking out bg
Reworded titles for easier understanding
Added arrows to project movement and intended path for roles
Reordered to include overview towards the end of the toolbox