Whichever set of towers he tethers first is the first set to go off.
The other set is the second set of towers.
Act 3 mechanics in order:
- Kothornos Kick on furthest player (which does a large KB aoe around him similar to Nael dive.)
- Earthshakers on 3 closest targets AND first set of towers goes off
- Knockback from middle
- Second Kick on furthest player & second set of towers goes off
- Earthshakers on 3 closest targets
The other set is the second set of towers.
Act 3 mechanics in order:
- Kothornos Kick on furthest player (which does a large KB aoe around him similar to Nael dive.)
- Earthshakers on 3 closest targets AND first set of towers goes off
- Knockback from middle
- Second Kick on furthest player & second set of towers goes off
- Earthshakers on 3 closest targets