Find orb 5, and rotate towards orb 7
4 Players get numbers, representing fire spread explosions in order
2 - 4 - 6 - 8
Thoses players with numbers also take towers created by the orbs being kicked, in this order
6 - 8 - 2 - 4
Players without numbers get a massive defamation spread and move away from the party in order of defamation appearing. You have to rotation opposite of the party, for instance CCW if the party is going CW. They keep going in opposite rotation to rejoin with the party.
The players not doing either mechanics stay close ish to the tower being taken, inside the ground circle to avoid the orb explosion when it gets kicked.
4 Players get numbers, representing fire spread explosions in order
2 - 4 - 6 - 8
Thoses players with numbers also take towers created by the orbs being kicked, in this order
6 - 8 - 2 - 4
Players without numbers get a massive defamation spread and move away from the party in order of defamation appearing. You have to rotation opposite of the party, for instance CCW if the party is going CW. They keep going in opposite rotation to rejoin with the party.
The players not doing either mechanics stay close ish to the tower being taken, inside the ground circle to avoid the orb explosion when it gets kicked.