Curtain Call Tether TimingsArena - FFXIV
There are 4 debuff timers on Thornpricked.

12s -> 22s -> 32s -> 42s

One DPS and One Tank/Healer get each timer (so there are always 2 people with the same debuff timer)

Lowest debuff timers need to break first.
Each time a tether breaks, a raidwide goes out and also gives a 2 second magic vuln.
You need to wait about 2 seconds between tethers breaks or else everyone dies.
The tethers take around 2 seconds to break when they turn red.

Break in this order:

- 12s DPS
- 12s T/H
- 22s DPS
- 22s T/H
- 32s DPS
- 32s T/H
- 42s DPS
- 42s T/H

Don't step too far back to dodge the cones or you will break your tether accidentally and wipe.