Famine's HarvestArena - FFXIV
1. Find the platform that has 2 seeds, it has Minotaur that needs 4 people to bait by closestproximity

2. 4 Minotaurs (Mino 1-4) will tether either all DPS or all T+H, non-tether will bait Minotaur. Bird will be Line aoe down the bridge. Tether has to be stretched otherwise lethal.

3. Tether 1 goes to 3, Tether 3 goes to 1, Tether 2 goes to 4, Tether 4 goes to 2 (Odd & Even pairing). Non-tethered baiters goes to outside of the platform, baiting the cleave by proximity to Minotaurs

4. Tethers can fix their positions, Non-tethers be prepared to scoot

5. Pizza shown, scoot to safe side

6. Mechanic resolves