Divebomb aoes not to scale
First divebomb snapshot: As first hypernova aoe is placed on you
Second divebomb snapshot: As third hypernova aoe is placed on you
Third divebomb snapshot: When divebomb marker disappears no hypernovas
If stack a healer can rescue third dive player to help them make the stack. Make sure the dragons are locked in before doing so.
Main enmity tank: can wait then walk north east to take the Nael dive. Make sure to wait till after first divebomb so you don't get clipped.
First divebomb snapshot: As first hypernova aoe is placed on you
Second divebomb snapshot: As third hypernova aoe is placed on you
Third divebomb snapshot: When divebomb marker disappears no hypernovas
If stack a healer can rescue third dive player to help them make the stack. Make sure the dragons are locked in before doing so.
Main enmity tank: can wait then walk north east to take the Nael dive. Make sure to wait till after first divebomb so you don't get clipped.