Soldiers of deathArena - FFXIV
Boss icon is the archer (glowing blue) outside the arena. Ignore other mobs first.

1 Find blue archer, supp go to their safe spot (slide 2).

2 DPS watch out blue archer ranged attack and find their safe spot. There are two different scenario: see slide 3-4.

3 Read the second pattern of the tethered mob. If it's left safe, then go to left when face the wall; If it's right safe, then go to right when face the wall. See slide 5-6.

4 Keep facing away from your role partner (slide 7).

5 Move back to the middle safe spot right AFTER the tethered mob jump to you (slide 8) and dodge the first set of AOE.

6 Move to the center a little bit to dodge the 2nd set of AOE (slide 9).