A simple way for you to visualize and share your plan for wars in New World.

Faction War
Outpost Rush
Create a raid plan

What's new?

RaidPlan Updates

You may now optionally create an account for RaidPlan.
Plans that you create will be linked to your account and can be deleted.

VOD Review
You may now connect WarcraftLogs or FFLogs to view guild logs.
We'll remember the last Guild you had selected and load its recent reports automatically.
Private logs are now supported with this feature.
Patrons can now add up to 10 streams.
If you haven't used the VOD Review tool, check it out!

Plan Editor
Steps may now be rearranged easily.
Added a new color palette selector.
Added text labels to shapes.

New World Update

Add Output Rush
Add Custom plan
 · Enter a URL to change the background
Added weapon icons to sidebar
Added searchable icon library for all items, abilities and status effects

New World - Wars

Support has been added for wars in New World
 · All fort maps
 · Group and point markers
 · Fortification and other misc icons

Outpost Rush may be added later
Please submit feedback and report issues on Discord